Rabu, 17 Desember 2014

Indonesia Berbisnis Media

-Ginanjar (artis Pelawak) & Chriss Leon (The Master Junior RCTI & World Record Maker "3 hour Ice Cube Stunning") telah bergabung dengan IBis-

Indonesia Berbisnis (IBis) dibangun atas dasar keinginan untuk membangun bisnis korporasi yang kuat dan saling bekerjasama di seluruh Indonesia, melalui sistem MLB (Multi Level Bisnis) termodern dan dengan konsep baru yang belum pernah ada serta didukung oleh teknologi canggih, IBis memulai bisnisnya pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2014. IBis dinyatakan memiliki system bisnis terbaik (menurut Roy Morgan Research) serta didukung juga oleh International Business Institute yang membuat IBis menjadi bisnis terpercaya.

Dengan bergabung  dengan Indonesia Berbisnis Media, Anda berhak untuk memasarkan beberapa produk kami yang diantaranya ELLUSIONIST, GLUTERA GOLD, GLUTHONE STEMCELL, dan banyak lainya, melalui sistem pemasaran Multi Level Business yang telah kami rancang khusus untuk anda, sehingga akan memperoleh penghasilan yang tidak terbatas bagi Anda.
Dalam hal ini Anda juga mempunyai hak untuk memanfaatkan beberapa fasilitas dalam website indonesiaberbisnismedia.com ini, seperti misalnya IBis Trac ( Indonesia Berbisnis Trade Centre ) , anda dapat memanfaatkan content IBis Trac untuk memasarkan berbagai produk konvensional.

Ayo Sekarang Juga, Sukses bersama kami !!!
" Indonesia Pasti Bisa " Di 081 2411 30 888

Jumat, 09 November 2012

Solusi Kulit Kencang, Lebih Cerah, Resep RAHASIA Awet Muda Dari Jepang


AMAN & LEGAL Terdaftar
DINKES P-IRT NO : 310327302787

Kolagen adalah salah satu protein yang menyusun tubuh manusia. Keberadaannya adalah kurang lebih mencapai 30% dari seluruh protein yang terdapat di tubuh. Dia adalah struktur organik pembangun tulang, gigi, sendi, otot, dan kulit. Serat kolagen memiliki daya tahan yang kuat terhadap tekanan terutma sifat kelenturannya terhadap tulang.
Bilamana produksi kolagen menurun seiring dengan bertambahnya usia, dampaknya adalah meningkatnya proses “kulit menjadi kering” serta berkurangnya sifat elastisitas kulit. Lapisan dermis inilah yang bertanggung jawab akan sifat elastisitas dan kehalusan kulit (skin smoothness) yang merupakan kunci utama untuk disebut “awet muda” serta memiliki kulit indah (beautiful skin).
SATOIMO ” Natural anti-aging, life enhancing properties from humble potatoes”
Satoimo (Colocasia esculenta) yang dikenal dengan nama Taro Potato atau Talas Jepang merupakan bahan utama dari COLLAGEN SOAP. Satoimo merupakan rahasia sehat dan awet muda di Jepang, yang masih dipertahankan hingga saat ini.
Sejarah Ditemukannya SATOIMO
Ada sebuah desa di Jepang disebut Yuzuri Hara di mana penduduk di sana hidup hingga usia lebih dari sembilan puluh tahun, dengan kondisi yang masih luar biasa, bugar dan sehat. Selain itu, mereka terlihat muda pada usia 50 tahun, meskipun pada umumnya mereka bekerja di luar di bawah sinar matahari sepanjang hari. Penyakit seperti kanker dan Alzheimers hampir tidak dikenal di daerah ini, bahkan di kalangan perokok berat.
Setelah diselidiki rahasia sehat, awet muda dan panjang umur di desa Yuzuri Hara adalah SATOIMO.
Penelitian mengenai Satoimo telah dilakukan dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa satoimo sangat kaya akan Hyaluronic Acid (HA), substansi yang diproduksi secara alami oleh tubuh kita yang jumlahnya berlimpah ketika kita masih muda. Sayangnya hyaluronic acid ini berkurang seiring dengan bertambahnya usia, sehingga kulit menjadi keriput, bergaris, kering dll. Efek serupa pun ditunjukan oleh organ-organ bagian dalam tubuh kita. Dimana hyaluronic acid sangat diperlukan oleh tubuh, agar tubuh tetap dalam kondisi baik dan berfungsi dengan baik hingga tahap seluler.
Selain itu, Hyaluronic acid sangat berperan dalam kesehatan sendi, penglihatan, jaringan penghubung (connective tissue), mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka, dan sangat berperan dalam pembentukan kolagen.
  • Membantu meremajakan kulit & mencegah penuaan kulit
  • Membantu mengatasi masalah tulang / osteoarthritis dengan cara mengurangi nyeri, meningkatkan pergerakan dari sendi, memperkuat jaringan ikat & dapat mempercepat proses penyembuhan
  • Memperkuat pembuluh darah & meningkatkan sirkulasi sehingga dapat membantu mengurangi resiko penyakit jantung.
FELICE COLLAGEN® BEAUTY SOAP mengandung Botanical Collagen yang berasal dari Umbi Satoimo (Talas Jepang) yang kaya akan kolagen dengan kandungan asam amino yang penting bagi tubuh khususnya kulit yaitu Aspartic acid, Glutamic Acid, Glycin, Lysine, Proline. Hal yang menarik dari FELICE COLLAGEN® BEAUTY SOAP adalah kandungan hyaluronic acid sebesar 1,02 % yang tidak dimiliki oleh Animal Collagen.
FELICE COLLAGEN® BEAUTY SOAP membantu proses pembentukan kulit dan meningkatkan daya elastis kulit. Collagen berguna dalam membantu pembentukan sel baru di kulit. Collagen dapat masuk ke pori kulit, dan bekerja efektif di lapisan epidermis kulit anda, membantu tumbuhnya kulit baru yang memiliki daya renggang/ elastisitas yang lebih baik dari kulit sebelumnya.

Keunggulan FELICE COLLAGEN SOAP dibanding produk sejenis dipasaran :

  • Merupakan sabun kolagen pertama di Indonesia yang memakai KOLAGEN NABATI (botanical/ herbal)
  • Kaya akan asam amino Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Glycin, Lysine & proline yang penting bagi tubuh khususnya kulit.
  • Mengandung Hyaluronic Acid sebesar 1,02% yang tidak dimiliki oleh Kolagen Hewani (Animal Collagen)
  • Membantu proses pembentukan kulit
  • Meningkatkan daya elastisitas kulit
  • Menjadikan kulit yang kenyal, kencang, indah & halus


1 paket isi 6 box @ 25 gram =
Rp. 300.000,-/paket
(kemasan 6 in 1)
*) lihat kemasan orange disamping
1 paket isi 1 box @ 80 gram =
Rp. 150.000,-/paket (kemasan satuan) A

Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

How to create a website / blog for free moneymaker

There are many ways to make money on the internet. One of them is to create a website and then his term monitize to the website can make money.

At this time it was ngetrend among Netter (who org hobby internet) to look for additional income. In general, they make the website and sign up for affiliate program2 who can make money on the internet.

If you have a website that has been in monitize, then the extra revenue will come by itself even though you're sleeping. This is because your website will be on line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and your website visitors who click on ads there will provide additional revenue for you. And this happens without you having to constantly monitor. As soon as you create a website online so he has great potential to make money.

And how much capital that must be removed to create a website like that? For now you can be sure will not be out any money except to pay lease rental cafe / computer, cigarettes and drinks to accompany you in making a website or blog.

Well if you've finished creating the website, there are several free affiliate programs which you can follow at this time. Among them are: hitz4blogger.com

How to make your website / blog to make money by co.cc
(RECOMMENDED - has proven to pay)

This free web domain companies in addition to offering a free domain for your website also offers a partnership between the people who have signed up there for free.
Domain is the address of your website. http://howtodiy.000webhost.com/ example. While the website is a collection of html files that are stored disuatu web server or web hosting.
If you want to have a free website and could result in payment of dollars, I highly recommend you follow the program.
His way is by providing a reference link which directs visitors your website / blog to their website. Of every person who signed up, you get a commission USD 0:15. Well anyway it seems small, if the conversion to dollars only about 1,000 rupiah. But you try to imagine if the website / blog will have many visitors.
Having collected a minimum of $ 15 then your commission at any time via Paypal infusible (can be disbursed every day). Click here : CO.CC:Free Domain

Well if you have a list of domains, then follow Steps and How to Make a Website or blog following......

    1. Sign up free domain  CO.CC:Free Domain

    2. Create a blog and enter the code as shown in the above link to your blog (if you   already have a blog /  website you just enter the code above)

    3. Register your blog on google search engine. You can register through here Add Your URL
    4. To account please register on receipt of paypal payment, if you do not have a paypall account, you can  list here.

    5. Forget your blog and let it work by itself with occasional checks on the account sign up cz.cc your list, and if the results are above 15 dollars, you can withdraw the money to paypal. If you've collected enough you can pull your money from paypal to your bank account (the process takes up to 5 bank working days).

If you already have a blog visitors and if you refer to co.cc is very interesting, then you will automatically have additional income without requiring you to work though. To find the number of visitors blog / your website, please register your blog / your website here statcounter.com and copy the javascript code that is given by StatCounter to your site.

Remember the key to success or failure of this program are the visitors to the blog / website. The more number of visitors to your blog, the more results you get. The more you can convince visitors of your website / blog to follow this program the greater the conversion you can sign up to the amount. If you are lazy to type or make a review about co.cc in blog / your website, please copy and paste this post to my blog / your website as long as you provide a backlink to my blog.

Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

MLM Coneects Program

The New Facebook for Network Marketers
Global Opportunity - Excellent Affiliate Program
MLMconnects is a global social networking sites (like Facebook) that is specifically intended for theperpetrators of MLM, affiliate program, member get member, network marketing and online businesses(starting from the member, leader, owner, creator, vendor, company, and all associated with MLMbusiness).

The difference is, users of this site is only those who existed as a perpetrator MLM or MLM enthusiasts likeyou.

Just imagine if you had a large acquaintance dr leader2 throughout Indonesia and around the world, surelythe MLM business is your field which will be booming. Agree right?

If you are now joined as a user MLMconnects, you will be given a personal page where you can:

1. Showing your personal profile complete with pictures (like facebook)
2. Promote yourself and your MLM business.
3. Telling the story of your success in your MLM business to pursue.
4. Communicate freely with your own group.
5. Interact (live chat) with the MLM participants from around the world.
6. Get new prospects from around the world.
7. Associated with the best MLM participants from around the world.
8. The opportunity to earn income with a "pay per click"
9. Can find (search) MLM participants from what city and state what,
10. Opportunities to earn money through reference-Affiliate program.

Are you willing to pay US15 per month to enjoy all these benefits??

Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Luwak Coffee Tink Tonk

LUWAK Tink Tonk ®

Tink Tonk Civet Coffee has a distinctive taste and unique That is, comes from Arabica beans choices through a process of "Biofermentasi". With Aromatic acid content of 99.8% has 50% lower than Quinat traditional Luwak coffee, making it safe for coffee lovers with sensitive stomach. And have passed Quality Analysis and Testing of coffee flavor.

Gynecology and Pharmacology Coffee
Chemical compounds in coffee beans can be Divided into volatile and non volatile compounds. Volatile compounds evaporate easily That compounds are, ESPECIALLY if the temperature rise. That Volatile compounds affect the aroma of coffee Among groups other aldehydes, ketones and alcohols, whereas the non- That volatile compounds affect the quality coffee Such as caffeine, chlorogenic acid and nutritional compounds. Caffeine in coffee is an Important element serves as a stimulant, while caffeine is a factor Determines That flavor.

TASTE more enjoyable , HALAL & HEALTHY
LOW acidity - Convenient For Stomach

P-IRT DinKes NO 310327302787
  • Arabica coffee
  • Medium Roasting
  • Low Acidity (kuinat acid content 50% lower than traditional mongoose)
  • Organic (without PESTICIDES)
  • Processing with "BIOFERMENTASI" (fermented beans in a compartment with gastrointestinal conditions like mongoose)
More healthy & HALAL, do not leave the slightest remnants of civet droppings for wearing a sophisticated Biofermentasi, resulting in a more civet coffee more delicious & healthy & HALAL to drink because it does not come from the digestive tract and the civet droppings immediately.
Coffee Luwak or in English called Civet Coffee is one of the most expensive coffee in the world . This coffee comes from beans that have been eaten and passed through the digestive tract of animals mongoose ( Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus ), namely that a ferret can be found in southern Sumatra and some parts of Java.
Luwak is the animals who love to eat fruit. One of the passion fruit is a fruit civet coffee. But the fruit is eaten by a civet coffee is not coffee fruit carelessly. Civet has a very good instinct in finding coffee fruit choice.
In the digestive tract mongoose, meat ingested coffee, coffee beans while terfermentasikan and out with the civet droppings. Coffee beans in this civet droppings collected by the farmers to be further cleaned and civet coffee drinks are delicious.
Although taken from civet droppings, civet coffee is very special in the eyes of coffee lovers. This coffee is very famous, even until the show aired on the Oprah Winfrey Show . Coffee in America is on sale for $ 50.00 each cup. Even in Britain after blended with Jamaica Blue Mountain by Peter Jones, the coffee is sold for 50 pounds, or nearly $ 1 million dollars.
For the current crop of less than 200 kg of mongoose per year. Coffee and likely will be increasingly hard to find along with the scarcity of mongoose hunted because the meat is believed to cure asthma.
scarcity encourages the proliferation of civet coffee civet coffee sales oplosan thus reducing the original taste of civet coffee.
Though this civet coffee demand is enormous in the world, even though the "expensive" but still hunted coffee lovers, it conquers all ya think? Oprah while trying to civet coffee in the Oprah Winfrey Show Oprah was amazed by the mongoose and the price is so expensive that shook the world!

In some countries civet coffee should not be taken because of " process "it is considered "unhygienic" despite many claims to mention processed as clean as possible, etc., but still can not get rid of FACT that the fermentation process derived from the digestive tract and out of civet droppings mongoose.
That's what researchers are beginning to make new breakthroughs, how to wake the mongoose population but can still produce civet coffee is exactly the same as the original process, even for coffee lovers say taste is softer and more coffee, "good taste ... good health .. . "
The development of technology enables the creation of Luwak coffee without going through the original process, ie by biofermentasi (fermented beans in a compartment with a condition resembling gastrointestinal mongoose) but can produce the same sense of pleasure (even better and more enjoyable), so for those of you who want to enjoy the pleasure of civet coffee, but concerned with the process that are considered unhygienic and unhealthy, it is very appropriate if you drink COFFEE LUWAK Tink Tonk offering of PT ABE which is the result of cutting-edge technology and it is definitely BIOFERMENTASI SAFE, HEALTHY, hygienic & HALAL
TINKTONK LUWAK COFEE of PT ABE is a product of civet coffee FIRST IN THE WORLD who use technology BIOFERMENTASI (probiotics)
Caffeine Benefits for the Body:
  • Stimulate the brain and nervous system
  • Prevent cavities
  • Reduce the pain of headaches
  • Ease congestion asthmatics
  • Make the body do not get tired
  • Increase the sense of cheerful, makes you feel more refreshed and energetic
  • Reduce the risk of bone loss (osteoporosis)
  • Improve mental performance and memory because coffee can stimulate many areas of the brain that may regulate remain subdued: arousal, mood and concentration
  • Free radicals and destroys the molecules that can damage cell DNA. Caffeine also protect the heart and cancer.
  • Prevent Parkinson's disease.
  • Improve male fertility.

Presenting suggestions COFFEE LUWAK Tink Tonk

  1. Pour 1 sachet in a glass cup
  2. Brewed in 150 cc of hot water
  3. Add sugar to taste if needed
  4. Stir evenly and ready to be enjoyed
  5. HOT TIPS: * so that the taste and aroma of coffee a maximum, while DO plays as stirring coffee in general, but the GO BACK (straight line back and forth) of 8x.

PROMO Price: Rp.300.000, -/BOX

1 BOX contents of 10 sachets.
time you can enjoy coffee Most Expensive IN THE WORLD of HEALTH at a price that is "comfortable" in the bag. 
1. State the full name based on ID
2. State the full address
3. COFFEE mongoose box mention how many you order
4. Mention Bank will you use to transfer
Send to mobile no: +6281241130888 or Email : brurbnz7@gmail.com
Example SMS:
Riana Dewi, a message box COFFEE LUWAK 2, Banyan Street North No. RW02 RT01 3A District Village Medangan Randusari, solo 60 252 - Central Java, via BCA
Send it to no: +6281241130888 or Email : brurbnz7@gmail.com
- Then we will return the total price + postage + bank brand.
- Confirm your payment after transfer via SMS +6181241130888 or Email : brurbnz7@gmail.com
- Package sent neat (plain to maintain your privacy)

eager to enjoy the pleasure of Tink Tonk LUWAK COFFEE? Book Now!
Any questions / want to be a distributor?
Contact: M. Bastian, SS - 081241130888


Caffeine is the most Important element in the coffee serves as a stimulant. Caffeine is a chemical derived from plants can stimulate the brain That and nervous system. Caffeine is classified as type alkaloids are also known as trimetilsantin. copied Besides, too much caffeine contained in tea, chocolate, cola and energy drinks. Caffeine is an alkaloid belonging to the family together methylxanthine compound theophylline and theobromine. In the state of origin, caffeine is a bitter white powder. 
Caffeine Benefits for the Body

     * Stimulating the brain and nervous system
     * Prevent cavities
     * Reduce the pain of a headache
     * Sigh relief of asthma
     * Make the body does not get tired
     * Increase the sense of cheerful , making us feel more refreshed
       and energetic
     * Reduce the risk of bone loss
       ( osteoporosis )
     * Increase mental performance and memory due to coffee
       can stimulate many areas in the brain That can
       manage to stay awake , mood and concentration of stimulus
     * Ward destroy free Radicals and molecules
       DNA.Kafein can damage cells also protect the heart and
     * Prevent Parkinson's disease
     * Increase male fertility

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